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NRC and Gamoteca co-create four Technology Enhanced Collaborative Activities (TECAs) to increase job readiness for Syrian refugees in Jordan.
Norwegian Refugee Council

Forum de la flotte

est une organisation à but non lucratif inspirant des transports meilleurs, plus propres, plus sûrs et plus efficaces dans le monde entier. Pour ce faire, ils rassemblent des acteurs clés des secteurs de l'aide au développement et du transport commercial et leur apportent un soutien avec une formation sur les meilleures pratiques pour une gestion de flotte efficace et efficiente.


Fleet Forum et Gamoteca ont travaillé ensemble pour créer un jeu d'apprentissage personnalisé entièrement en ligne pour répondre à leurs besoins de formation 


The Challenge

After fleeing to Jordan for safety, Syrian refugees found it difficult to reintegrate into the workforce — making it challenging to navigate the new chapter in their lives.



NRC decided to launch the "The Livelihoods Programme" to support these refugees and provide them with the skill development and knowledge base they require to successfully acquire jobs.  

Norwegian Refugee Council


The Solution

Gamoteca facilitated human-centred design workshops to understand the needs of the end-users – the Syrian refugees.


Through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and a thorough needs assessment, the key insight that emerged was that refugees wanted regular coaching and mentoring sessions with experts, to ensure they received personalised feedback they could apply to their job preparedness. 

Norwegian Refugee Council
Norwegian Refugee Council


The Results

The programme created four learning experiences on Gamoteca, focused on the following —

  1. Interview preparation

  2. Preparing for the job market

  3. Communication

  4. Entrepreneurship


Each refugee was paired with an expert trainer and went through practice-based activities to ensure their learning was applicable in the real world. The learning experiences have been used by more than 1200+ refugees in Jordan.  

Norwegian Refugee Council


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